Today we spent most of the day shopping with my friend Beth and her girls, Isabella (Ally's best friend) and Hannah. We arrived at the mall early so I let Ally play in the play area for a little while. This was a treat for her because we don't do this often (it's usually incredibly crowded). Oh--and notice that I let Ally wear her "tea" shirt today. She was thrilled!

Claire snacking on "O's"

We met up with Beth and the girls at the food court and enjoyed lunch from our favorite place, Chick-Fil-A. After lunch we spent a few hours shopping. Then I took Isabella and Ally on the carousel while Beth sat with Claire and Hannah. They pretended they were riding real horses and made horsey sounds the entire time.



After the carousel ride we went our separate ways and the girls and I shared an ice cream come from Dairy Queen. Ice cream is one of Claire's FAVORITE foods!!

Once we finished our ice cream we headed home to get ready for church. What a nice day! I enjoyed some much needed adult interaction and Ally and Isabella played so nicely together. And I must say that Claire and Hannah are two of the happiest babies! It certainly makes for a pleasant shopping experience!
Hmmm... I thought I had posted about this entry. I really think I am losing my mind... Anyhow, I was just going to say how great the pics were of the girls on the Carousel. Love 'em. :) Now, I wonder who's blog I posted that comment on? Oh dear... Hope you are having a good weekend! :)
Too funny! I wonder, too!
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