Saturday, August 30, 2008

Day 2: Charleston

Today we spent the day in downtown Charleston. At first we thought it might rain but it turned out to be a beautiful day. There was so much to see that we decided to park and walk everywhere. Ally especially liked seeing all of the different colored buildings and she was impressed by the multitude of palm trees.

Ally was excited to find a dance studio on Kings Road.

Here we are on Market Street standing in front of Trademark Properties. They have a show on TLC (which we love) called The Real Estate Pros. We've actually seen the show where they bought this building and totally renovated it for their company.

There are many beautiful churches in Charleston.

Ally in front of a war monumentThe Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon

Waterfront Park

A couple was kind enough to take a family picture for us. This is certainly a rarity!

Rainbow Row
United States Custom House

We were exhausted from walking all day in the hot sun so we headed back to the hotel. On the way back we stopped at McAlister's to pick up dinner. Once we got to the hotel we took showers and got ready to watch the Alabama/Clemson game. Claire being silly!
Watching the game (I took this during a commercial. I was so nervous at first I needed something to take my mind off of things. Oh and Claire decided to pull out every single one of her diapers!)
We really enjoyed watching the game. I was SHOCKED by how well Alabama played. I was very impressed with John Parker Wilson--much improved from last year--as was Glen Coffee. Julio Jones, Mark Ingram, and Nick Walker also played an incredible game! These are the kinds of games I like to watch--ones where we just run all over the other team. I could actually sit back and enjoy the game. It was fabulous! Final score 34-10! Roll Tide Roll!

Tomorrow is Brent's birthday. We will spend half of the day in Charleston and then head to Myrtle Beach to check-in sometime after 4:00 p.m. I'm not sure if I'll be able to update each night because I'm pretty sure their internet access is only available in their lobby. So I will update when I get a chance.


Jeanna said...

ROLL TIDE ROLL!!! I was actually very composed last night. You'd have been proud of me. The freshmen on the team this year are what they actually said they would be, "OUTSTANDING!" Well, we have got to not think we are all that though and get the big head! Hope we just continue to play like we did last night. Like the Trademark picture. What would have been really cool is if you had run into Richard and Ginger!

GodseySix said...

You made a great choice of stranger to take your family picture. It turned out great! :)

ConfidentUntilCompletion said...

So missing South Carolina, and do you know that we looked forever trying to find Trademark! I wanted to have my picture taken there soo, soo badly. I was even willing to find a SIGN in someone's yard to take a picture. I saw a few, and I felt stupid. But I really wanted to find that office. So it was on King Street. Rats!

Nathan and Meg said...

Hey, Becky! I found your blog through Amanda's site. Your girls are PRECIOUS and I love your page!

Hope things are going well.

Becky Lollar said...

Leah--it was on Market Street.

Meg--thanks!! I'll have to check out your blog!