Thursday, May 14, 2009


While the girls were at school I was at home packing for our trip. I organized all of their outfits into jumbo ziplock bags for each day labeling the day and the park we'd be visiting.
I am VERY indecisive so that's why I went ahead and decided which days they'd wear which outfits. I knew that if I didn't I'd wake up in the morning and waste a TON of time deciding what they'd be wearing that day. So now Brent and I can just grab the bag for the day without having to wonder what they're going to wear!!
pajamas & swimsuits
Cinderella & Belle gowns
Bags of fruit snacks & Crystal Light packets and swim diapers
Ally's backpack
inside the backpack (surprise goodies!!)
So all I have left to do tomorrow is pack my things!


~SS said...

you are so organized! have a great trip!

Amanda said...

You are so wise to mark put their clothes in baggies for each day. Chuck and I were having such a hard time deciding what the boys should wear each day, though I did have an outfit planned for one of our character meals (which Chuck ended up using for a different day). We did run around our room trying to get them dressed quickly and it would have made things so much easier if I had planned their outfits better. Have a wonderful time. Oh and the magic will follow you home when you get to blog about each day of your trip. I loved working on that after our vacation and can't wait for our next one.

Becky Lollar said...

Thanks Shonna & Amanda!!

Paula Jennings said...

I love those ideas. I will have to use them for our trip. Looking forward to your post when you return. Love the FB updates.