Today we celebrated Hannah's 1st birthday!

Claire playing on the zebra

Brent & me

Andy, Hannah, Beth, & Isabella

"Happy Birthday to Hannah!"

Andy helping Hannah with her first bite of cake

She likes it!


sharing with granddaddy

She liked the icing the best!

Ally & Isabella

opening presents--a Bitty Baby!!

Learning Purse

Activity Walker

Claire excited about her goody bag!!

Hannah & Claire checking out the presents

Anna Grace, Ally, & Isabella

Hannah wanting to open her new tea set


Happy 1st Birthday Hannah!! We love you!!
What a great picture of you and Brent, Becky! And Ally and Isabella (well, and Claire and Hannah for that matter) are just the cutest together. They are all gonna love having so many pictures together when they get older. A friendship from birth~how special!
Hey sweet friend. I was surfing the net on one of my mental breaks from studying and looked at your site. What a darling family you have. Blessings and I will see you Thursday. I am hoping you are having joy in the journey today.
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